Closed Grants
- Project Alliance 1: Genetics Development, Ecology, and Prevention of Early Adult Addictive Behavior
Funding period: 2011–2016
PI: Dr. Allison Caruthers (PI: Dr. Thomas Dishion, Arizona State University
Funded by: National Institute on Drug Abuse
This research is testing genetically informed ecological models of the development of alcohol and other drug use and dependence, antisocial behavior, and high-risk sexual behavior in adulthood. Participant DNA is being used to test models of adaptation and maladaptation from early adolescence to adulthood.
- Project Alliance 1: Relationship Dynamics and Young Adult Drug Use and Abuse
Funding period: 2012–2017
PI: Dr. Allison Caruthers (PI: Dr. Thomas Dishion, Arizona State University)
Funded by: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
This study of the covariation between alcohol and other drug (AOD) use trajectories, lifestyle activities, and intimate partner adjustment in early adulthood uses longitudinal modeling of dynamic changes in relationships, AOD use, and lifestyle at ages 27–29. Gender-specific longitudinal models of adult AOD use are being examined as a dynamic adaptation to activity and relationship contexts.