McKay Moore Sohlberg, PhD, CCC-SLP, research focuses on the development of treatments that help people with acquired brain injury manage changes in cognitive functioning including attention, memory and executive functions. Her recent focus has been on translational activities to facilitate adoption of treatment models that increase specificity and consistency of treatment across providers of cognitive rehabilitation who work in different fields. Her 2023 textbook Transforming Cognitive Rehabilitation as well as her work on a number of interdisciplinary panels has been impactful in these efforts.

Sample Papers:
Sohlberg, M.M., Turkstra, L., Hamilton, J. (2023). Transforming Cognitive Rehabilitation. New York: Guilford Press.Hamilton, J., Sohlberg, M. M., & Turkstra, L. (2022). Opening the black box of cognitive rehabilitation: Integrating the ICF, RTSS, and PIE. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
Wright, J.*, Sohlberg, M.M., McIntosh,K., Seeley, J., Hadley, W., (2022) What is the Effect of Personalized Cognitive Strategy Instruction on Facilitating Return-to-Learn for Individuals Experiencing Prolonged Concussion Symptoms? Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 1-30 DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2022.2074467
Waldrone-Perrine, B., Mudhar, R., Mashima, P., Seagly, K., Sohlberg, M., Bechtold, K., Paul, D., Milman, L (2022). Interprofessional collaboration and communication to facilitate implementation of cognitive rehabilitation Journal of Interprofessional Care.